Author Guideline

a The title of the article should be brief and informative (max. 10 words) in Arial font 16 and 1.15 spaced
b Each word of the title is initiated with capital letter, except for the species name of organisms.
c The institution where authors are affliated should be completely written (institution name).
d The name(s) of the author(s) should not be abbreviated.

a Abstract written in one paragraph in English and 250 to 300 words.
b The abstract should state briefly background, material and method, the main fndings supported by quantitative data which is relevant to the title, and the major conclusions.

The keywords consist of no more than 5 important words not found in the title, representing the content of the article and can be used as inter-net searching words and arranged in alphabetical order.

Content, Tables and Figures
Content includes introduction, materials and methods; result and discussion, conclusion, acknowledgement and references.
Figure 6 Experiment on incubation time of recombinant manCK7 for palm kernel meal treatment: a. at 1 hour until 5 hour, and b. 4 hour until 16 hour. Blanko = PKM treated with buffer phosphate pH 7, enzyme = PKM treated with recombinant manCK7.

The introduction states background of the research, including its novelties, supported mainly by the relevant references and ended with the objectives of the research.

Materials and Methods
a The materials used should include manufacture and source. Specifc instruments and equipment should be described clearly.
b The methods used in the study should be explained in detail to allow the work to be reproduced. Reference should be cited if the method had been published.
c Any modifed procedures of the cited methodology should be explained clearly indicatingwhich parts modifcations had been made.
d Experimental design being used includes sampling technique and statistical analysis should be explained in detail.

Results and Discussion
a Results of the study should be presented as the starting point of discussion.
b The discussion of the results should be supported by relevant references.
c The title of tables and fgures should be numbered consecutively according to their appearance in the text.
d Statistical data in fgures and tables must include standard deviation (SD) or standard error of mean (SEM) or other statistical requirements.

Conclusion is drawn based on the objectives of the research.

Acknowledgement (if necessary)
Acknowledgement contains the institution name of funding body/grants/sponsors or institution which provides facilities for the research project, or persons who assisted in technical work and manuscript preparation.

References are arranged accord-ing toCouncil of Science Editors (CSE) Style: Harvard system or name year system.
Please further refer to

Reference from the internet is written along  with the date ac-cessed.

Minimum 80% of the cited references should be from the journals published within the last 10 years. Digital object identifer (DOI) number should be
mentioned, if applicable.
Journal article References for journal articles follow the order Author(s). Year.Article title. Abbreviated journal title. Volume(issue):pages.To save space, CSE suggests that writersabbreviate the titles of journals in according to the ISO 4 standard, which you can read about at ISSN. You can also search ISSN’s List of Title Word Abbreviations.
Pahan I, Gumbira-Sa’id E,Tambunan M. 2011. The future of palm oil industrial cluster of Riau region Indonesia. EurJSoc Sci. 24(3):421-431.
Purnamasari MI, Prihatna C, Gunawan AW, Suwanto A. 2012. Isolasi dan identifkasi secara molekuler Ganoderma spp. yang berasosiasi dengan penyakit busuk pangkal ba-tang di kelapa sawit. J Fitopatol Indones. 8(1):9-15. DOI: 10.14692/jf.8.1.9.
Van Duijn G. 2013. Traceability of the palm oil supply chain. Lipid Technol. 25(1):15-18. DOI: 10.1002/lite.201300251.

References for books follow the order Author(s). Year.Title. Edition. Place of publication (Country Code): publisher.
Allen C, Prior P, Hayward AC. 2005. Bacterial wilt: the disease and the Ralstonia solanacearum species complex. St. Paul (US): APS Press.

Book chapter
References for chapters or other parts of a book follow the order Author(s). Year. Chapter title. In: Editor(s). Book title. Place of publication: publisher. Page numbers for that chapter.
Allen C. 2007. Bacteria, bioterrorism, and the geranium ladies of Guatemala. In: Cabezas AL, Reese E, Waller M, editors. Wages of empire: neoliberal policies, repression, and women’s poverty. Boulder (US): Paradigm Press; p. 169-177.
Otegui MS. 2007.Endosperm: development and molecular biology. In: Olson OA, editor. Endosperm cell walls: formation, composition, and functions.
Heidelberg (DE): Springer Verlag. p.159-178.

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